About Project

Green IOTA Research Project

This research adds a new topic into the IOTA research roadmap and a good step for the future of green efficiency in cryptocurrency scope that is scarce in the scientific community. Green IOTA aims at providing a solution to reduce energy consumption in computation, storage, communication, proof that IOTA is green and keep the earth healthy in payment systems.
A large part of the energy waste in the cryptocurrencies is in the mining sector. IOTA does not have this specific problem. Keep in mind that removal of mining alone will not prevent loss of energy. Note that IOTA has some evident green standards and this research try to highlight the IOTA green efficiency and enhance them.

Several Notes

The environmental issues are becoming important concerns of human beings. Our lives are strongly connected to the environment. In order to maintain our ability to thrive and live healthily, we must take actions that promote and maintain the health of the earth, the environment, and our communities.

Bitcoin’s biggest problem is not even its massive energy consumption, but that the network is mostly fueled by coal-fired power plants in China. Coal-based electricity is available at very low rates in this country. Even with a conservative emission factor, this results in an extreme carbon footprint for each unique Bitcoin transaction.